
Blog Post 5: Changes to My Study Programme

  I studied Dance at the university for 4 years, I have experienced changes in the study plan, but these have not been revolutionary, the first year was not considered within the years for graduation, this was a leveling year which I consider should have been been optional and not mandatory. Sometimes I had to go to other university buildings to take only one class, this was art theory, a class that was very interrupted by demonstrations, I consider that the contents of this class were so simple that we could have integrated them into the course of dance history. My current classes are: contemporary dance, authorial practices, ballet, music, creation workshop, body and cultural identity, the workload this year is intense and has been stressful. I think that every year we should have the two technique classes (contemporary dance and ballet), this is my last year of ballet, and I think there shouldn't be compulsory cfg courses but it should be optional. I think it would be ideal to

Blog Post 4: Time travel to the past or future

 It would be great to be able to travel to the future and to the past, if I had the opportunity I would travel to both time stations, I think that somehow I already do it, I can travel to the past through memories and to the future I travel with my imagination. I would like to be able to travel to the past to hug my puppy again, to look at myself and tell myself that I must believe in what I feel, that I am not better or worse than other people, but that my way of seeing the world is very valuable. I would like to go back to a trip I made to Canada and be able to enjoy it more, but the truth is that I would not stay in the past, I appreciate all the experiences and learnings, but it motivates me much more to go to the future. I would love to go to the future and see what the consequences of my actions are, I would like in the future to be able to travel a lot, learn from different cultures and above all to be able to dance a lot and do very creative things with my body, meet many creat

Blog Post 3: My Dream Job

 When I was little I thought about being a veterinarian, I have always loved animals, they are very adorable and sensitive beings, I also wanted to be a model because I liked beauty but then art conquered me I was in an artistic high school and there I began to explore my talents. I liked all the arts a lot, but the ones I liked the most were the performing arts and the plastic arts. I finally decided to study dance and my first paid job was as a dancer, I am very grateful to my parents for allowing me to be free and believe in me, thanks to them I have been able to trust myself and launch myself into this uncertain world of art. In 2020 I started studying astrology and today I earn money doing astrological chart readings, I consider it a very nice job since I accompany people in their questions about the world. When I finish university I would like to work as a choreographer, I really like creating, I would also like to continue dancing and give classes. At some point I would like to

Blog Post 2: The best holidays ever / The best concert ever

       As a child I traveled to many places with my family (my dad and my mom), but the trip that I liked the most was when we traveled to Canada. We traveled in 2016, here in Chile they were in the winter season, while in Canada they were in the spring season.  I remember that when we were on the way to the airport they stole my mom's backpack where she had the return tickets and her national card. That event was very frustrating since we thought that she was not going to be able to travel. When we arrived at the airport, my mother spoke with an executive and fortunately she was able to travel only with her passport. I remember that the plane ride from Santiago de Chile to Toronto, Canada lasted 11 hours. I consider that this was the best trip I have ever made, because I had never traveled so far the culture was very different from that of Chile, but at the same time it was frustrating not knowing the language. On this trip we were in Toronto, I saw a Blue Jays baseball game, I vi

Blog 1: A country you would like to visit.

Hi everyone, I would like to write about Spain because is a country that I always had the intention to visit. I know that is a east european country bording with Portugal, France and Andorra. I have always wanted to go to Spain because I grow in my house listening flamenco music, because my dad lived in Madrid exiled six years. I have two sisters that were born in Madrid, one is Carolina, she is 40 and Cristina is 34. In my childhood, I heard histories about the experiences of my father and my sisters in Spain. They always said to me that spanish people are friendly, happy, enthusiasts and funny. I'd like to keep studying dance doing a master of creation and keep practicing in workshops of contemporary dance and companies of dance. I would like to live in Barcelona because i love the architecture of this city and of course the beach as the mediterranean weather. I really wish to live some day in this country . 

Blog 6: A Career-Related Website OR an Expert in Your Field

  Hi every one in this occasion I´m going to talk about  a career related website. The website i chose is UbuWeb, this is a website about avant-garde art. There you can find concrete and sound poetry, video art archives, underground cinema and sound art.  https://ubu.com/index.html UbuWeb was founded as a response to the fringe distribution of crucial avant-garde art material, the site is non-profit and does not care if the works are copyrighted.  On this site I can find videos of dance works that inspire me, here I find works from a long list of leading dance artists.  I usually visit this website when I need inspiration, I don't usually use it repeatedly but I like it a lot because I always find very extravagant works.  I hope you liked this post a lot and you can visit this website to be inspired by great artists.

Blog 5: A photograph you like

  Hi everyone in this moment i´m going to talk about this picture that i like too much, i took this photo  two weeks ago, when i went to bedroom of my roomie because i was search to the cat of my house, your name is Mio and I consider really cute, funny and extremely adorable. This photo show a cat on the bed relax and resting such a human. I like too much this photo because who makes me laughing, i consider so funny because the look of Mio is judgemental or also very relax, this is very funny.  I will like to make a me, and go to post in a instagram, I think that the photo would have many likes in instagram and it would go viral.  Thanks you every one for reading me, I´ll see you in class this Wednesday I wish a good week :* I hope you like this blogg. <3