Blog 6: A Career-Related Website OR an Expert in Your Field


Hi every one in this occasion I´m going to talk about  a career related website. The website i chose is UbuWeb, this is a website about avant-garde art. There you can find concrete and sound poetry, video art archives, underground cinema and sound art.

UbuWeb was founded as a response to the fringe distribution of crucial avant-garde art material, the site is non-profit and does not care if the works are copyrighted. 

On this site I can find videos of dance works that inspire me, here I find works from a long list of leading dance artists. 

I usually visit this website when I need inspiration, I don't usually use it repeatedly but I like it a lot because I always find very extravagant works. 

I hope you liked this post a lot and you can visit this website to be inspired by great artists.


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