
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2022

Blog Post 4: Time travel to the past or future

 It would be great to be able to travel to the future and to the past, if I had the opportunity I would travel to both time stations, I think that somehow I already do it, I can travel to the past through memories and to the future I travel with my imagination. I would like to be able to travel to the past to hug my puppy again, to look at myself and tell myself that I must believe in what I feel, that I am not better or worse than other people, but that my way of seeing the world is very valuable. I would like to go back to a trip I made to Canada and be able to enjoy it more, but the truth is that I would not stay in the past, I appreciate all the experiences and learnings, but it motivates me much more to go to the future. I would love to go to the future and see what the consequences of my actions are, I would like in the future to be able to travel a lot, learn from different cultures and above all to be able to dance a lot and do very creative things with my body, meet many creat

Blog Post 3: My Dream Job

 When I was little I thought about being a veterinarian, I have always loved animals, they are very adorable and sensitive beings, I also wanted to be a model because I liked beauty but then art conquered me I was in an artistic high school and there I began to explore my talents. I liked all the arts a lot, but the ones I liked the most were the performing arts and the plastic arts. I finally decided to study dance and my first paid job was as a dancer, I am very grateful to my parents for allowing me to be free and believe in me, thanks to them I have been able to trust myself and launch myself into this uncertain world of art. In 2020 I started studying astrology and today I earn money doing astrological chart readings, I consider it a very nice job since I accompany people in their questions about the world. When I finish university I would like to work as a choreographer, I really like creating, I would also like to continue dancing and give classes. At some point I would like to