
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2022

Blog Post 5: Changes to My Study Programme

  I studied Dance at the university for 4 years, I have experienced changes in the study plan, but these have not been revolutionary, the first year was not considered within the years for graduation, this was a leveling year which I consider should have been been optional and not mandatory. Sometimes I had to go to other university buildings to take only one class, this was art theory, a class that was very interrupted by demonstrations, I consider that the contents of this class were so simple that we could have integrated them into the course of dance history. My current classes are: contemporary dance, authorial practices, ballet, music, creation workshop, body and cultural identity, the workload this year is intense and has been stressful. I think that every year we should have the two technique classes (contemporary dance and ballet), this is my last year of ballet, and I think there shouldn't be compulsory cfg courses but it should be optional. I think it would be ideal to