
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2022

Valentina autobiography

  Blog: My autobiography Marzo 30, 2022. Hi everyone! I´m Valentina and i am very excited for share my history with you. I was born on 31 of August 1999 in the Talca, Chile. in Clinic of Maule, Maule it´s región of the Talca city, this is like a state.  I have five brothers for my dad´s part and one sister for my mom´s part and i´m the youngest daughter of my parents. My father was exiled to Spain  and he live six years in Spain, my sisters Carolina and Cristina were born in this country and my others brothers were born in Chile. My brothers are very lovely and i love too much them. In Talca I studied in High School of Culture, there i met the dance, in that time i dance too much and i have beautiful experiencies.  Currently i studied the carrer of Dance in University of Chile and i love it!  My hobbies are cooking, sing and paint. :)